The law of reading Syamsiyah and Qomariyah

Publisher MRPratama777

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"Al" Reading Law Syamsiyah and Qamariyah

How happy to be Muslims who are able to read the Qur'an properly and correctly. Able to read correctly, of course, must understand and understand the knowledge. The knowledge that is learned about this is called Tajweed. In tajweed, it is regulated about how to read the short length of letters, read clearly or buzz a letter and so on.

Tajweed is a science that is used to know makhraj, reading law and its properties. In this section, one of the tajweed sciences will be discussed, namely the law of reading Al-Syamsiyah and Al Qamariyah.

Understanding of Al Syamsiah and Al Qamariyah

1. 1. Al Syamsiyah

Al Syamsiyah is also called Idgham Syamsiyah. Idgham Syamsiyah said because the voice of Alif lam was inserted into the Syamsiyah letter in front of him, so the sound of alif lam became melted because it was inserted with the Syamsiyah letter. The number of syamsiyah letters is fourteen, namely:

ت ث د ذ ر ز س ش ص ض ط ظ ل ن


َالتَّكَاثُرُ اَ لثُّلُثُ اَلدّ َهْرُ اَلذِّ ْكُر

اَلرَّ حْمنُ اَلسَّمَاءِ اَلنَّعِيْمِ اَلشَّيْطنُ

1. 2. Al Qamariyah

Al qamariyah is also called Izhar Qomariyah. Al Qamariyah must be read clearly and brightly. Alif Lam which is coupled with one of the Qamariyah letters, Alif Lam must be read clearly. The Qamariyah letters are fourteen, namely:

ب ج ح خ ع ع ف ق ك م و غ ه ء ي ا


اَلْاَحَدُ اَلْحَمْدُ اَلمَقَابِرُ اَلْيَقِيْنِ اَلهُدَى

اَلجَحِيْمِ اَلقَارِعَةَ اَلْفُرْقَانَ اَلْغَفُوْرُ اَلْكُفْرَ

1. B. Differences between Al - Syamsiyah and Al Qamariyah

A. Al Syamsiyah

Writing Al Syamsiyah uses the tasydid sign (() in the Syamsiyah letter in front of Alif Lam.

Example: اَلذِّكْرُ اَلتَّكَاثُرُ اَلثُّلُثُ

1. Al Qamariyah

Writing Al Qamariyah uses the breadfruit sign () in letter lam


اَلْاَحَد اَلْحَمْدُ اَلقَارِعَةَ

1. C. Applying the reading of Al Syamsiyah and Al Qamariyah

Read Q.S. There are verses 1-11 correctly. Look carefully at the readings that have Al-Syamsiyah and Al-Qamariyah.
